By David Futrelle
If you’ve spent any time arguing with right-wing trolls online, you’ve probably encountered the alt-right’s new favorite buzzword (that isn’t really a word): “globohomo.” And you may have found yourself wondering: What on earth is a globohomo, anyway, and why are right-wingers so mad about it?
The term has been floating about for several years now; I first encountered it way back in 2016 on the blog of everyone’s favorite racist pickup artist, Heartiste, and our old friend fiend Roosh V is fond of it as well. But it’s gained popularity in the last year or so, serving as a sort of catch-all replacement for the term “white genocide” for some of the people who, well, used to use the term “white genocide” all the time.
Ostensibly, “globohomo” is short for “global homogenization,” a an alleged vast conspiracy to destroy “traditional” culture and values and replace them with a sort of global (naturally) corporate uniculture.
But it’s rarely used in this way, at least not exactly. For those who’ve seized upon the term, “globo” means “globalist” and therefore Jews; while “homo” (the suffix) means, well, “homo” (the slur). (Some, evidently worried that “globohomo” isn’t gay-sounding enough, add “gayplex” to it — “globohomo gayplex.”)
And so “globohomo” has come to mean something like “the global homosexual/Jewish conspiracy to degenerate our culture up real good with drag queens and anal sex and possibly Ben Shapiro.”
If that definition seems a bit incoherently exapansive, that’s because the trolls who’ve embraced the term are using it as an all-purpose epithet. Perhaps the only way to truly define “globohomo” is to see how people (and I use that term lightly) are using it on, for example, Twitter.
Here are just a few of the things that right-wing trolls think are a part of the “globohomo” agenda.
Actual LGBTQ people:
LGBTQ people “indoctrinating” children by existing:
Butt sex, literal and figurative:
Crossdressing in libraries, specifically
Trans women:
Music videos:
The Cats movie trailer:
Mountain Dew:
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and/or “poopdick.”
Rainbow flags:
Soy (but of course):
Forced bug-eating?
White genocide:
Christian genocide:
Donald Trump?
Ivanka Trump:
Ben Shapiro!?

And then there’s this. Apparently the evil Jews who run Globohomo really don’t like … Game Theory?
Any questions?
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